

You Should Study the Bible Because...

In the middle of our home page under "Resources/Articles" you will find an invitation to "Study With Us." Why do we want you to study the Bible? Why do so many of our articles and sermons emphasize studying the Bible? Perhaps you have thought about contacting us to receive the free correspondence course or even to request a personal study, yet something has kept you from submitting your request. Please consider eight great truths about the word of God that should help you more deeply appreciate your need to know that marvelous book called the Bible.

  • God's word is a light that will guide our steps. Psalm 119:105, 130
  • The word of God is more important to life than food. Matthew 4:4
  • True freedom cannot be experienced without knowing God's truth. John 8:31, 32
  • Judgment is coming and the words of Jesus will be the standard by which we are judged. John 12:48
  • We cannot be saved without genuine faith and the word of God is critical to the development of faith. John 20:30, 31; Romans 10:17
  • The gospel, the good news found in God's word, is the power of God to save mankind. Romans 1:16; James 1:21
  • The word is able to produce the growth God desires for us. 1 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Peter 3:17, 18
  • The Scriptures are inspired of God and able to make us everything the Lord wants us to be. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

            We could list other reasons, but we trust these are sufficient to spur you on to the desire for a greater knowledge of the life-changing, soul-saving word of God. Why don't you contact us now at